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Project Management

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Project Management

While project management skills are obviously important for project managers, interestingly the methods and tools that project managers use can be helpful for everyone.
A 'task' does not necessarily have to be called a 'project' in order for project management methods to be very useful in its planning and implementation. Even the smallest task can benefit from the use of a well-chosen project management technique or tool, especially in the planning stage.
Any task that requires some preparation to achieve a successful outcome, will probably be done better by using a few project management methods somewhere in the process. Project management methods can help in the planning and managing of all sorts of tasks, especially complex activities.
Project management is chiefly associated with planning and managing change in an organization, but a project can also be something unrelated to business - even a domestic situation, such as moving house, or planning a wedding.
Project management methods and tools can therefore be useful far more widely than people assume.
Project management techniques and project planning tools are useful for any tasks in which different outcomes are possible - where risks of problems and failures exist - and so require planning and assessing options, and organizing activities and resources to deliver a successful result.
Projects can be various shapes and sizes, from the small and straightforward to extremely large and highly complex.
In organizations and businesses, project management can be concerned with anything, particularly introducing or changing things, in any area or function, for example:
  • people, staffing and management
  • products and services
  • materials, manufacturing and production
  • IT and communications
  • plant, vehicles, equipment
  • storage, distribution, logistics
  • buildings and premises
  • finance, administration, acquisition and divestment
  • purchasing
  • sales, selling, marketing
  • human resources development and training
  • customer service and relations
  • quality, health and safety,
  • legal and professional
  • technical, scientific, research and development
  • new business development
  • and anything else which needs planning and managing within organizations.
Successful project management, for projects large or small, tends to follow the process outlined below.
The same principles, used selectively and appropriately, also apply to smaller tasks.
Project management techniques are not just for project managers - they are available for anyone to use.

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Anonymous said...

nim :12087170

nama :aulia fahmi

no absen :66

good i like proyek manegement

fahmii foe said...

nim : 12087170

nama : aulia fahmi

no absen: 66

fahmii foe said...

nama : aulia fahmi
nim : 12087170
kls : 12.6t.07

blogg nya sangat saya suka

adetia said...

Nama : Ade Tiawarman
NIM : 12086927
Kelas: 12.6T.07
MaKul: Manajemen Proyek (ManPro)

Semoga blog nya bermanfaat bagi anak bangsa....Muantabb...!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nama : Ade Tiawarman
NIM : 12086927
Kelas: 12.6T.07
MaKul: Manajemen Proyek (ManPro)

Semoga blog nya bermanfaat bagi anak bangsa....Muantabb...!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nama : Safitri
NIM : 12085964
Kelas : 12.6T.07
MaKul : Manajemen Proyek

I Like This'Blog'y..
Blognya ^_^d

zie_shushi said...
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zie_shushi said...

Nama : Susy Susanti
Nim : 12085665
Kelas : 12.6S.07
no.absen : 14
email :
Makul : Manajemen Proyek

Suatu pelaksanaan rencana yang baik oleh seorang mandor yang berpengalaman dan karyawan yang cukup, seharusnya meningkatkan keseluruhan profita-bilitas perusahaan.

zhie said...

this's awesome,..

Nama : Suwarjito
Nim :12086332
Kelas : 12.6l.07
Makul : Manajemen Proyek

ochy said...

Nama : Oki Rizkiawan
NIM : 12087253
Kelas : 12.6s.07
Management proyek mamang tidak hanya terpaku pada satu masalah yang resmi, namun dalam berbagai aktivitas yang timbul dalam keseharian sangat membutuhkan adanya perencanaan dan penanganan untuk mencapai hasil yang memuaskan seperti yang tercantum dalam artikel tsb..

Anonymous said...

Nama : Indra Sarwanto
Nim : 12087447
Klas : 12.6T.07
Makul: Manajemen Proyek

Thanks u/ infonya...
sukses slalu.....

H O Y A """BERCERITA""" said...

nama : esra rohana
nim : 12086280
kelas : 12.6L.07

thanks sir,for information about Project Management and good luck for everythings.


nizariyani said...

nama : anisah ariyani
nim : 12086295
kelas : 12.6L.07

god bless !!!

black bird said...

nama : Adwi Laely Nr
nim : 12086299
kelas :12.6L.07

I strongly agree with your words that "While project management skills are obviously important for project managers."

adetia said...

IT and communications sangat di butuhkan pada era masa kini untuk mengurangi kesalahan dalam pekerjaan dan untuk mencapai tujuan yang maksimal.

jamesaldo31 blo9 said...

nice post Mr...
blogwalking too...

phemo said...

nama : puspita apriyani
nim : 12087068
kelas : 12.6T.07

means the overall project management covers all activities yes sir?

Mario said...

Nama : Sunaryo
Nim : 12087141
Kelas : 12.6T.07

Teorinya bagus pak tapi sekarang yang jd masalah Prakteknya Males...Bagaimana Kalo Begitu??apa ada solusi lain yang mudah?

Anonymous said...

NIM :12085375
Nama :Agus firmansah
No.absen: 11
Kelas :12.6S.07

Banyak sekali manfaat dari manajemen proyek yang berhubungan dengan semua bidang,menentukan planing-planing usaha untuk kemajuan perusahaan,tapi semua itu tergantung dari kemampuan SDM nya juga.

Anonymous said...

nim : 12087015
nama: zaimuri
no absen :
kelas 12.6s.07

di zaman globalisasi ini banyak sekali yang di butukan yang bisa mengendalikan sistem,,projek manejemen sangat bermanfaat untuk sistem analisa di perusahaan itu sendiri.

Anonymous said...

NIM : 12087083
KELAS : 12.6S.07

KOMENTAR : I think management is a good set because we can know which ones should take precedence

ZULKIFLI said...

NIM : 12087083
KELAS : 12.6S.07

KOMENTAR : I think management is a good set because we can know which ones should take precedence

ZULKIFLI said...

NIM : 12087083
KELAS : 12.6S.07

KOMENTAR : I think management is a good set because we can know which ones should take precedence


NIM : 12086973
KELAS : 12.6T.07

KOMENTAR : karya nya keren dan inovatif,, saya akui kalau di zaman perlu adanya inovasi semacam ini guna untuk menambah pengetahuan,, apalagi yang namnya management proyek???? penting buangetttt. so bakalan rugi kl ngk tau sama sekali sama yg namanya kegiatan tersebut.....

Anonymous said...

NIM : 12086950
Nama : Nuni Handayani
Kelas : 12.6S.07

komentar :
perencanaan dalam sangat penting bagi kita untuk mencapai tujuan dalam hidup.

Anonymous said...

NIM : 12087114
Nama :Ego Candra Manik
kelas :12.6S.07
email :

Komentar : Menurut saya dalam membentuk manajemen proyek harus bersifat jelas agar dalam perencanaanya dan pelaksanaanya berjalan dengan baik dan lancar.

dodi syafri said...

NIM : 12087209
KELAS : 12.6S.07

KOMENTAR : Proyek uda sejak dulu adanya, tpi klo managemen proyek itu adalah ilmunya seperti artikel Management proyek diatas,dan tergantung pada yang menjalankannya.
"I like the article above"

Anonymous said...

Nim : 12086994
Name : Wawan Hermawan
Class : 12.6T.07
Comment : Business requirements analysis it’s important to develop understanding of the project goals,
Keep your mind to be max the phases and processes of project management.good luck, trims.

Anonymous said...

Nim : 12086995
Name : Ronald Tukan
Class : 12.6T.07

Comment :
I agree with the letter, for evereyting if wanna to work and success, must be have a planed and target, like this letter when give the point in my inspiration, thank's.

Malulah Pada Diri - Nya said...

Nama : Yuso Pramudayanto
NIM : 12086135
Kelas : 12.6T.07

Saya disini hanya menambahkan saja pak, tentang ada tidaknya penambahan bisnis baru atau keberanian dalam membuka sebuah bisnis yang lain dari yang lain.
Dalam membuka bisnis orang yang akan membukanya cenderung tidak memenej dengan baik sehingga terkesan bisnis yang baru tersebut disebut benar-benar 'new'/'gresh' atau apalah yang dinamakan pendirinya namun seharusnya membuka bisnis baru juga harus memenej dari hal kecil yaitu diantaranya memeriksa atau menyurvei apa sih yang laku di keadaan lingkungan yang nantinya akan dibuka bisnis baru, terus kemudian saingan dari dibukanya bisnis tersebut apakah sudah ada atau belum ? jika sudah ada hendaknya menggunakan strategi yang berbeda seperti yang kita lihat di film "Ketika Cinta Bertasbih" disitu dapat dilihat memenej sebuah usaha atau bisnis baru sangatlah penting seperti yang dilakukan oleh tokoh 'AZZAM' yang meminta pendapat adik adiknya sebaiknya apa, bagaimana bisnis yang akan dibuka.
Hal tersebut akan berguna dan terasa jika bisnis tersebut dijalankan dan niscaya modal yang ditanamkan dan dimenej di bisnis tersebut akan menuai hasil yang memuaskan.
Sekian pak penambahan dari saya, sebenarnya banyak yang bisa diutarakan di materi bapak ini namun sebagai mahasiswa tentunya lebih baik mendengarkan dan belajar sehingga dapat menularkan ilmunya nanti dimasa mendatang.
Terima kasih

Anonymous said...

No Absen:59

Sub Pokok bahasan tentnag ilmu management ini sangat berguna dan bermnfaat sekali bagi para pengusaha khususnya para eksekutive muda baik di kalangan mahasiswa maupun umum,ilmu management proyek ini mengajarkan bagaimana me'meneje sebuah perusahaan dengan baik.

Anonymous said...

nama : nurohman
nim : 12086865
kelas :12.6T.07
no absen : 28

ilmu management ini berguna dan bermanfaat untuk me'manage sebuah perusahaan agar sebuah perusahaan dapat terstruktur dan berjalan dengan baik.

hidup selaras dan seimbang said...
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hidup selaras dan seimbang said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hidup selaras dan seimbang said...

Nim : 12086605
Kelas : 12.6U.07
Email :

menurut saya blog ini sangat bagus dan menarik untuk di baca serta untuk di pelajari, karena di dalam blog ini terdapat penjelasan dalam manajement proyek, jadi kita bisa mempelajarinya di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, dan menerapkannya dalam kegiatan pekerjaan dll, agar semua terencana dan sukses di jalani. karena segala sesuatu dalam hidup maupun pekerjaan semuanya harus terencana dan termanajement agar semuanya berjalan selaras dan seimbang. sukses buat kita semua. amin

Anonymous said...

Project management is all about planning and
Nama : Siti Hasmah
NIM : 12087280
Kelas : 12.6T.07
Email :

implementation of task,not only for business project but it can use for any kind of task. Using project management methods can help to reduce risk and to manage all task to get successful results. project management tools could solved problem more faster.
Technique/tools of project management not only for project manager but anyone can use it,so it's very important to manage all task

Anonymous said...

Nama:Siti Hasmah

Project management is all about planning and implementation of task,not only for business project but it can use for any kind of task. Using project management methods can help to reduce risk and to manage all task to get successful results. project management tools could solved problem more faster.
Technique/tools of project management not only for project manager but anyone can use it,so it's very important to manage all task

Anonymous said...

Name: Wadi Desembri
NIM: 12087386
Class: 12.6S.07

Here discuss about the planning, development and very focused skill a person in managing a project to fit the desired results, very nice if one added a little bit about the problems that will confront them during the process of running projects
because I think if the problem is not overcome with really very bad impact on employment outcomes.
for example: if the occurrence of natural disasters, what steps should be selected a manager and how to solve the problem. thank you

blog pemula said...

Nama :: Pratama Yana Mahardika
Nim :: 12087239
Class :: 12.6T.07

Nice., :-D

Ivo Martin said...

Nama : Ivo Martin
NIM : 12087478
Kelas: 12.6S.07

Artikelnya sangat bagus. Untuk memperluas pengetahuan saya dalam Manajemen Proyek. Sehingga saya semakin mengerti akan perlunya manajemen proyek, tidak hanya dalam sebuah pekerjaan tetapi juga dapat berguna dalam kehidupan sehari-hari/ dalam mengerjakan tugas-tugas kecil.

Anonymous said...

NIM : 12085365
Kelas : 12.6T.07
absen : 11
MaKul : Manajemen Proyek (ManPro)

blog yang keren,tapi jgn terlalu banyak ingrris'a pak
maklum lah,kelamaan tinggal di indonesia
keep spirit (",)

Tino sevendc said...

NIM : 12085365
Kelas : 12.6T.07
absen : 11
MaKul : Manajemen Proyek (ManPro)

blog yang keren,tapi jgn terlalu banyak ingrris'a pak
maklum lah,kelamaan tinggal di indonesia
keep spirit (",)

Anonymous said...

Name : Pandu Aji Saputro
NIM : 12085784
Kelas: 12.6T.07

a part of Project management likes Organizations are groups of people frequently trying to organize some specific subject, such as political issues.

tray_blogger89 said...

Kelas: 12.6T.07

The article both as a reference we have of how we manage all the activities, for planning good things are the activities of small to large ones. Useful if we could management of all forms of follow-up activities in a process plan ahead to maximize all its potential for perfect results expected.

tray_blogger89 said...

Kelas : 12.6T.07
NIM : 12076768

The article both as a reference we have of how we manage all the activities, for planning good things are the activities of small to large ones. Useful if we could management of all forms of follow-up activities in a process plan ahead to maximize all its potential for perfect results expected.

natalia_aciel said...

nama : servianna
nim : 12086266
kelas : 12.6L.07

Any task that requires some preparation to achieve successful results, might be done better by using project management methods. while the project itself should also have some kind of certainty the beginning and end, example of the initial and final certainty is like what?

Anonymous said...

Nama : Viergienia Yudisca Nanlohy
Nim : 12086977
Kelas: 12.6S.07

good blog.
hopefully could be useful for everyone...

dedy setiawan said...

nama : Dedi setiawan
nim : 12086302
kelas : 12.6L.07

project management is very important in the planning of an organization or company to obtain the best results

Hamidah said...

Nama : Hamidah
NIM : 12086273
Kelas : 12.6L.07

Project management is very important because by understanding the activities of software project someone will be able to anticipate and adapt in every phase of software project activities and to formulate a plan or task and set a completion period of the project so as to achieve the intended purpose.

hary sudrajat said...

nama:Hary sudrajat

bagai mana cara menjaga products and services

Anonymous said...

nama : jessy agrini
nim : 12086277
kelas : 12.6L.07

I made the course very useful for project management meltih my ability in doing business, with my project management course to even more possibilities in developing a talent that I have now.

Anonymous said...

Nim : 12086256
Nama : Junia P.Sari
Kelas: 12.6L.07

"The same principles, used selectively and appropriately, also apply to smaller tasks.
Project management techniques are not just for project managers - they are available for anyone to use."

*Kesamaan dlm prinsip di perlukan bukan untuk proyek yg besar saja tapi untuk semua proyek baik bsar maupun kecil,untuk dapat memudahkan dalam pengerjaan dan penyelesaian proyek.
dan teknik mnjem proyek memang bkn hanya untk memenejeri sebuah proyek, tapi juga untuk semua org yg ada dalam proyek tersebut agar dapat bekerja sama dengan baik, untuk mencapai hasil yang baik jg..

(hahaha.. kepanjangan)

Anonymous said...

Dedent Noviyansyah
Kelas : 12.6T.07
Nim : 12087373
No Absen : 84

A Project Management would be good if they are supported by planning and solid teamwork. So for me, project management is the science which is very useful to build character, especially me personally. Thank you. Regards

Dedent Noviyansyah said...

Dedent Noviyansyah
Kelas : 12.6T.07
Nim : 12087373
No Absen : 84

A Project Management would be good if they are supported by planning and solid teamwork. So for me, project management is the science which is very useful to build character, especially me personally. Thank you. Regards

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