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Collaboration Through
Team Building

Denny McElhoe, Senior Training Specialist


Collaboration Through Team Building

Session Objectives:
Identify and understand teams and how they function.
Demonstrate the skills necessary for the development of an  
  effective team.

The Most Effective Teams:
Share information openly
Participate in the team’s task
Encourage each other
Use all of the team’s resources
  Complete the Self-Awareness Assessment. 
Decide whether each of the statements is true (T) or false (F) 
or if you are uncertain (?). 
Place your check in the appropriate column to the right
of each statement.
When groups are formed into teams:

Roles and interactions are not established.
Some members may observe as they attempt to determine
   what’s expected of them.
Others engage the team process immediately.
As members learn their roles they find ways to work
  together and learn about team issues.
These processes occur in 4 stages.
      Stage One - Forming
  Period in which members are often guarded in their interactions because
they’re not sure what to expect from other team members.
  This is also the period in which members  form opinions of their teammates.
  During this stage, productivity is low. 
Forming – Enhance Team Development by:
Share responsibility
Encourage open dialogue
Provide structure
Direct team issues
Develop a climate of trust and respect.
    Stage two - Storming
  Characterized by competition and strained relationships among team members. 
There are various degrees of conflict dealing with issues of power, leadership 
and decision- making.  This is the most critical stage for the team.
Storming - Enhance Team Development by:

Joint problem solving.
Norms for different points of view.
Decision-making procedures.
Encourage two-way communication.
Support collaborative team efforts.
    Stage three -Norming  
  Characterized by cohesiveness among members. In this phase, members realize 
their commonalities and learn to appreciate their differences.
  Functional relationships are developed resulting in the evolution of trust among members. 
Norming - Enhance Team Development by:

Communicate frequently and openly about concerns.
Encourage members to manage the team process.
Give positive and constructive feedback.
Support consensus decision-making efforts.
Delegate to team members as much as possible.
  Stage four -Performing
  The team now possesses the capability to define tasks, work through relationships, and manage team conflicts by themselves.  
  Communication is open and supportive.  Members interact with without fear of rejection.           
  Leadership is participative and shared. Different viewpoints and information is shared openly.
      Conflict is now viewed as a catalyst that generates creativity in the problem-solving process.

Performing - Enhance Team Development by:
Offer feedback when requested.
Support new ideas and ways for achieving outcomes.
Encourage ongoing self-assessment.
Develop team members to their fullest potential.
Look for ways to increase the team’s capacity
Any change in the composition of the team or its
leadership will return the team to the forming stage.


The most effective teams arrive at decisions through consensus by following a rational process that include:
Identifying the issue.
Setting a specific objective.
Gathering and analyzing the facts.
Developing alternatives.
Evaluating the alternatives.
Deciding and acting. 
In addition to the problem solving process, teams must also
engage in interpersonal interaction. 

Decisions are made and objectives are achieved not only
by effectively following the  problem solving process, but
also to the extent that team members share information in
an open, candid, honest, and trustful manner.


“Hurricane Disaster”  -  problem solving and team           building exercise.

Problem Solving Process

Identifying the issue.
Setting a specific objective.
Gathering and analyzing the facts.
Developing alternatives.
Evaluating the alternatives.
Deciding and acting.


“Hurricane Disaster” Activity - Five essential strategies:
1. Issue an evacuation order and ensure it is communicated
    throughout the entire community using all available resources.
2. Order that all designated emergency shelters be opened and
3. Instruct all public safety units to aid in an orderly evacuation
    and in assisting those who cannot be evacuated to be transported
    to the designated emergency shelters.

“Hurricane Disaster Activity” - Five essential strategies:
4. Arrange for controlled access to evacuated areas and prepare
    to prevent looting.
5. Plan for the return of the evacuees after the hurricane danger
    is over: including shelter and relocation, damage assessment,
    and recovery operations.


In Review:
  Differences between groups and teams.
  4 Stages of team development and ways to enhance team
Team problem solving process.
Experienced the team building and problem solving processes.
Published By : EM Club
Editor IT : Erastus S. (tipsbarudipercaya)

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Erastus said...

i think "the team building" is very important for our live because it's a basic for us to do everything. thq

Economics, Politics and cultural for welfare said...

To reach our potential talent, we have to synergize with our team member, so we can focus to our strength and let our team to cover up our weaknesses...

That's what a team for...

GO Globalization!!

Best regards,


Economics, Politics and cultural for welfare said...


Anonymous said...

ec hari ini materinya bgs:-) yg bw materi jg bgs:-) hujan rintik2...bkn ngantuk^.^ tp..hrs tetap Semangat:-)From:tina

Anonymous said...

fatimah setiorini(

team means coorporation with many people...we not only work alone but we are together solve the proble n doing the best....

Anonymous said...

dimasaldino-22080507 :

team make everything feel easy cz in the team make decision together...based on two-way communication

Anonymous said...

in building a good team these four things are necessary but there are some things that should be remembered:
1. in the formation we need a uniform vision and mission for the team to run well
2. in the process of storming needed someone who could control the emotions and can megarahkan members to be able to think positive
3. in determining the norms to be applied in a team there should be coordination with the members so no one feels aggrieved
4. dala-performing teams need good cooperation and coordination for the team to run in accordance with the vision and mission.


Anonymous said...

by having a team we will feel happy, and able to exchange thoughts in the joys and sorrows.

and if we have a goal it will fell easy,cz can do together....
and usually in teams to develop a sense of togetherness


Anonymous said...

I think teamwork is very important for existing activities in a company 'and to maintain good teamwork between the team must support each other.

Weny Retnosari

Anonymous said...

in co-operation between teams to note are:

1. have the same vision and mission of the team
2. Mutual respect as a team member working
3. Communicate with each other a good and positive cooperation among members.

Wena Larassati

Anonymous said...

among team members no one is more dominant and all have equal position within the team.and coorperte each orther.

Hadi Septiantoro

Anonymous said...

It is very necessary in forming a good team,,
and I think this can be used to create a solid team.

Chairun Nisa

Anonymous said...

to build and maintain good cooperation between the team must support each other,
this needed to be a good team.

Ana Mariam

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, working with a team better than working alone, because we can solve problems quickly and easily because there are people who help solve and each group must have a leader who can lead the group well. working with the team also can strengthen a sense of community among individuals.

Meta Selvia Arlan

Anonymous said...

team is needed in an organization because the team can work together to achieve those objectives together and the team also must have a sense of mutual respect for each other.


Anonymous said...

two heads better than one head
so will give a lot of thought and opinion
a good team is a group of people who can combine all thought to be a great idea

Class. 22.5A.07

Anonymous said...

Christina Ayu Widya

The purpose of team building exercises is to assist teams in becoming cohesive units of individuals that can effectively work together to complete tasks.

Anonymous said...

Teamwork is the basic foundation to build an organization or company to be much greater. and the basic achievement of organizational goals or company
We stand united we fall .. ok

Nama : Erdiansyah Fartawijaya
NIM : 22080382
Kelas : 22.5A.07
E mail :

Anonymous said...

Team building is an important factor in any environment, its focus is to specialize in making the best in a team to ensure self development, positive communication, leadership skills and the ability to work closely together as a team to problem solve.

diah rizqi utami

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, teamwork is very important for existing a company.the team must work together, no one is more dominant.the leader must be understanding what problem in teamwork,discuss with assist team can be used to create a solid team.

Nama:Silvi Gustian

Anonymous said...

with the good cooperation between some people will be able to solve a problem quickly to achieve the goal, it is also necessary feedback from a problem to be discussed for example with deliberation. for it can create a good team building.

Nama : Siti Habiba
Nim : 22080482
Kelas : 22.5A.07
email :

Anonymous said...

with the teambuilding then we can solve problems quickly so that existing problems are not protracted, for it required a good cooperation between several people to achieve goals.

Nama: Siti habiba
Nim: 22080482
Kelas : 22.5A.07

Anonymous said...

I think team building is very important to achieve the objectives of an organization. because of the problems faced by the working group organization can be resolved together. tough times organizations will be resolved quickly if the team members feel need each other.

nim : 22080502
kelas: 22.5A.07

Anonymous said...

I think teamwork is very important for existing activities in a company 'and to maintain good teamwork between the team must support each other.
I like this.......

Nama :Anika Purnama Sari
Nim :22080442
Kls :22.5a.07

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